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​Book Chapters International Publishers – 3

(1 - main author)


  1. Pușcaș A, Lazăr R, Mureşan V* (2023) The use of Lactobacillus plantarum in sugar confectionery and chocolate based products, In: Lactobacillus plantarum and its role in human health, Ed. Chiș SM, NOVA Science Publishers, New York. In press.

  2. MureÅŸan V* et al. (2017) Processing Sunflower Seeds into Kernels, Hulls, and Paste, In: Sunflower Oil: Interactions, Applications and Research, Ed. Monwar Hossain, NOVA Science Publishers, New York. ISBN: 978-1-53611-889-6

Journal Publications

- Albert Einstein -

“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”


Books Chapters

ISI Web of Science Core Collection (Impact factor)

Main author of 24 ISI Web of Science Core Collection articles with impact factor (9xQ1; 8xQ2) and co-author of 30 ISI Web of Science articles


  1. Tanislav AE, Pușcaș A, Mureșan V*, Mudura E (2023) The oxidative quality of bi-, oleo- and emulgels and their bioactives molecules delivery, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2023.2207206, (Q1 - IF = 10.2)

  2. Pușcaș A., Mureșan A., Socaci S., Dulf F., Muste S., Fetea F., Semeniuc C.A., Bunea A., Mureșan V*, Pintea, A. (2023), Cold pressed pumpkin seed oil fatty acids, carotenoids, volatile compounds profiles and infrared fingerprints as affected by storage time and wax-based oleogelation. J Sci Food Agric, 103: 680-691 (Q1 - IF = 4.1),

  3. Socaciu MI, Semeniuc CA, MureÅŸan EA, PuÈ™caÈ™ A, Tanislav A, Ranga F, Francisc Dulf F, Páll E, Truță AM, PaÅŸca C, Dezmirean DS, MureÅŸan V (2023) Characterization of some Fagaceae kernels nutritional composition for potential use as novel food ingredients, Food Chemistry, 406, 135053, (Q1 - IF = 8.8)

  4. Temkov M, MureÈ™an V* (2021) Tailoring the Structure of Lipids, Oleogels and Fat Replacers by Different Approaches for Solving the Trans-Fat Issue—A Review. Foods, 10(6):1376 (Q2 - IF = 4.35)

  5. Pușcaș A, Mureșan V*, Socaciu C, Muste S, (2020) Oleogels in Food: A Review of Current and Potential Applications. Foods, 9(1), 70 (Q1 - IF = 4.092)

  6. Semeniuc CA*, Socaciu MI, Socaci SA, MureÈ™an V*, Fogarasi M, Rotar AM (2018)  Chemometric Comparison and Classification of Some Essential Oils Extracted from Plants Belonging to Apiaceae and Lamiaceae Families Based on Their Chemical Composition and Biological Activities, Molecules, 23(9), 2261 (Q2 - IF = 3.098)

  7. Paucean A, Moldovan OP, Muresan V*, Socaci S, Dulf FV, Alexa E, Man MS, Muresan AE, Muste S (2018), folic acid, minerals, amino-acids, fatty acids and volatile compounds of green and red lentils. Folic acid content optimization in wheat-lentils composite flours, Chemistry Central Journal, 12(1):88 (Q2 - IF = 2.284)

  8. MureÅŸan V*, Danthine S, MureÈ™an AE, RacolÅ£a E, Blecker C, Muste S, Socaciu C, Baeten V (2016) In situ analysis of lipid oxidation in oilseed-based food products using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics: The sunflower kernel paste (tahini) example, Talanta, 155: 336–346, DOI:10.1016/j.talanta.2016.04.019 (Q1 - IF =4.035)

  9. Muresan V*, Danthine S, Bolboacă S, Racolta E, Muste S, Socaciu C, Blecker C (2015) Roasted sunflower kernel paste (tahini) stability: storage conditions and particle size influence, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 92(5):669-683, DOI: 10.1007/s11746-015-2622-7 (Q2 - IF = 1.505)

  10. Muresan V*, Danthine S, Racolta E, Muste S, Blecker C (2014) The Influence of Particle Size Distribution on Sunflower Tahini Rheology and Structure, Journal of Food Process Engineering 37:411-426 (IF = 0.745)



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Students Books 
Practical notebooks – 2; Students courses – 3
  1. Pușcaș A, Mureşan V (2022) Good practices in producing raw agrifood products. Editura Mega Cluj-Napoca. ISBN 978-606-020-451-0 (Workbook)

  2. MureÅŸan V (2021) Tehnologia amidonului, Editura MEGA, Cluj-Napoca. ISBN 978-606-020-337-7. (Course)

  3. MureÅŸan V (2018) Tehnologia amidonului - Produse zaharoase, Editura MEGA, Cluj-Napoca. ISBN 978-606-543-925-2. (Course)

Transfer of Technology & Intellectual Property  

Granted Patents - 7

  1. Muresan V, Rotar AR, RacolÈ›a E, MureÈ™an AE, Coman C, Pop OL, Vlaic RA, Muste S, (2023), Patent RO 133598 /2023 „Compositions for nutritionally optimized confectionery products” 

  2. Muresan V, Racolta E, Socaciu C, Muste S, Muresan EA, (2018) Patent RO 131181 /2018 "Procedure for obtaining a product based on whole oilseeds" (CBI A 00981 / 12.12.2014)

  3. Muresan AE, MureÈ™an V, Muste S, Racolta E, Stan L, Niculae M, Galchis GF, Vlaic RA, Petru G  (2023) Patent RO 134168 /2023, „Nutritional bar composition based on dried germs flour of seeds from cucurbitaceae, asteraceae and amaranthaceae families”

  4. Galchis GF, Racolta E, Muresan V (2017) Patent RO 129517 /2017 " Spreadable cream-confectionery product based on roasted sunflower kernels and carob flour " (CBI A00834 / 16.11.2012).

  5. Paucean A, Chis MS, Muresan V, Man SM, Muste S, (2021) Patent RO 124080 /2021 “ Composition for a bakery product with preferment based on quinoa”

  6. Vlaic RA, Muste S, MureÈ™an V, Paucean A, Man SM, MureÈ™an C, Pintea A (2023), Patent RO 133596 /2023 „Bread Assortment”

  7. Semeniuc CA, Rotar AM, Jimborean AM, Fogarasi M, Socaciu MI, Muresan V, Simon EL (2022), Patent RO 133382 /2022 „Procedure for obtaining cheese with improved ripening stability

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